
Sudoku is dumb. I don't understand why suddenly it's cropping up in every newspaper, even in ones that never had a crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzles are like the Jeopardy of published puzzles. Everyone can get a clue or two, but it takes a real understanding of things to be able to consistently perform (i.e. Ken Jennings and Bill Clinton, respectively). Nobody bothers with wordsearches or Wheel of Fortune because they're mostly for idiots and childrenNo offense if you are an idiot or a child. But really, the sudoku is a logic puzzle and it doesn't belong in newspapers. I think the back of science and math academic journals would do quite nicely. If the common man wants easy access to such ridiculousness, let him look on the internet.
Very funny. Have you ever done one? Marge's son's mother-in-law showed us how to start. I started with filling in the 1's, then 2's, etc. That worked until I got to 7 and 8 and had to start erasing and moving so many things around that I gave up. Oh, well. Mom
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